North Route Nursery

Macadamia Trees

Our macadamia seedlings are produced through the grafting of carefully selected scion wood onto Nelmac 2 seed rootstocks. From our experience, seedling rootstocks generally out-perform clonal cuttings due to their naturally superior root systems.

Certified Quality 

We adhere to strict nursery protocols to ensure we produce top quality, true-to-type seedlings 

Agronomy Support

We work closely with our farmers, providing technical support specifically designed for Zambia

Local Convenience

Our central location makes it easy for Zambian farmers to visit and collect as they require

North route macadamia

Tried & Trusted Varieties

We produce several, well-known macadamia varieties, identified as being best-suited to Zambia, with characteristics that may compliment eachother or offer unique and varying strengths.

About Our Trees

Seedlings are 12-15 months old at time of Dispatch

The seedlings are supplied in a 4L plant bags at a height of 70 – 90cm from base of stem to top. The stems are painted and staked. Our seedlings are grown with biological anti-fungals in a sterile medium for optimal root health.

Available Varieties

Beaumont 695

A hardy, precocious, easy variety. Although nuts are not particularly large, yields are good.

Nelmac 2

A South African hybrid variety which produces large, good quality nuts.


This is a precocious grower, quick to yield and produces large nuts with good crack-out percentage. 


Slower to bear fruit, however this variety has a high kernel recovery and one of the best quality nuts with good percentage of whole kernel recovery.

Schedule a Visit

We are open Monday to Saturday

Mon – Fri: 08:00 – 15:00

Sat: 08:00 – 12:00



Farm 3267A/10 Bumi Road,

Chisamba, Zambia




(+260) 96 778 7442

(+260) 77 199 1749

(+260) 96 487 5869